Survey of the lizard fauna of Travis Wetland, Christchurch. Freeman Alistair and Amanda, 1996
1.0 Summary
1.1 Project
This survey was undertaken to detennine which lizard species are present at Travis Wetland,
Christchurch. As well as a general search, pitfall traps were used to sample the lizard fauna at
two sites in the wetland from February 11 th to March 2nd, 1996.
1.2 Objective
• To determine which lizard species are present at Travis Wetland, Christchurch.
1.3 Methods
• Pitfall traps were placed at two sites, with 20 traps at each site. Traps were placed in a
variety of habitats. The traps were baited with a tinned-pear lure and traps were set for 21
days. They were checked seven times over this period.
• A systematic search was made of likely retreats at the two sites.
• General observations of the lizard fauna were recorded when lizards were encountered in
the field.
1.4 Results
• A total of 16 lizards were captured in pitfall traps. Approximately 27 other lizards were
also observed.
• All lizards captured were skinks of the genus Oligosoma. These animals showed a degree
of variation in colouration and patterning. Preliminary analysis indicated that the species
present is most likely to be O. nigriplantare polychroma . .
1.5 Conclusion
The present lizard fauna of Travis Wetland is relatively depauperate being made up of only
one species of skink. With restoration and judicous management Travis Wetland has the
potential to support populations of other lizard species which are found locally, including the
skink O. lineoocellatum and the geckos; Hoplodactylus maculqtus and Naultinus gemmeus.
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