
Over the years Travis Wetland has received a number of awards.

2009 Green Ribbon Award

2009 Green Ribbon Award

Green Ribbon Awards, Whatungaro He Tangata Toitu He Whenua
The Green Ribbon Award is presented to Travis Wetland Trust, Winner 2009, Category:Urban sustainability
Awarded for their outstanding efforts to preserve and develop a wetland park in an urban area
Hon Dr Nick Smith, Minister for the Environment

Also see here: Colin Meurk and Olivia Burge receiving the award for Travis Wetland


2004 Civic Trust Award

2004 Civic Trust Award

Civic Trust Award
The Board of the Christchurch Civic Trust Inc. presents this award to Trais Wetland Trust Incorporated for Travis Wetland Nature Heritage park






2003 NZIA Resene Local Award for Architecture

2003 NZIA Resene Local Award for Architecture

NZIA Resene Local Award for Architecture
Presented to Peter Kent: Architect
Category Community & Cultural
For Interpretation Pavilion @ Travis Wetland





2001 City of Christchurch Environmental Award

2001 City of Christchurch Environmental Award

City of Christchurch Environmental Award 2001
Awarded to Travis Wetland Trust for an outstanding contribution to the environment of the City of Christchurch
Garry Moore Mayor
Anna Crighton, Chair Environment Committee




1999 Christchurch Civic Award

1999 Christchurch Civic Award

Christchurch Civic Award
Awarded to Travis Wetland Trust in recognition of services to the community
Garry Moore, Mayor of Christchurch.